Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I've been off the road for a long time now. Since returning home from a very busy and crazy Q1 my life has been pretty low-key. One short trip to NYC for work at the beginning of May, but otherwise I've been working in solitary confinement. Er, from my home office.

Don't get me wrong, I like working from home. However, when I work from home for weeks and weeks on end it gets BORING! I like seeing other people and getting out of the house. It truly sucks when you roll off the couch at night, head up to bed and realize you haven't showered, changed clothes or left the house all day long! In fact, I haven't shaved in weeks since I haven't had to see any clients recently! Of course, that will change on Wednesday when I have to drive to Alpharetta to see a client.

I am getting back on the road in a few weeks, however, my travel schedule is going to be brutal. Usually I'm in a city for at least 3 nights, usually 4. However, on this trip I will be in 4 cities a week for two weeks.

NY Penn Station - Philadelphia (Amtrak)
Philadelphia - Washington D.C. (Amtrak)

Florida, one of my least favorite places to go any time of year but especially in the summer, should be hot as balls in the latter half of June. Yay.

Last Saturday I took the CISSP exam. When I left the exam I felt like I did pretty well. As the day went on my confidence level dropped further and further. Steph and I have had a lot of stuff going on in our personal life lately which has kept me occupied mentally and cut into some of my studying time. Not to mention all of the training and travel for the Hike for Discovery... I figured I'd do a lot of reading during our travel to and from Arizona. Things didn't work out quite as I had planned though. I used the tests at cccure.org to supplement my studying, however, when I took the test I didn't feel as if the questions I studied with accurately represented what was on the test. In some cases the material online was much more difficult, in other cases it seemed like entirely different material. Hopefully I'll find out in a week or so if I passed so I can add a few more semi-random letters after my name in all of my professional correspondence.

Enough rambling for one night... time to fight the insomnia and try to sleep. Where's that bottle of Ambien anyway...?

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