Saturday, July 01, 2006

Purchase of the Bellwood Quarry

The City of Atlanta completed the purchase of the Bellwood Quarry as part of the Beltline project. The quarry will be turned into the largest city park in Atlanta and a large drinking water resevoir for the west side. This is huge news! I just want to know when I'll be able to take the dogs down to the park, since its less than 3 miles from my house!

I haven't seen plans for this yet, but I can only assume the Path trail that runs near my house will connect to the new park eventually, meaning we can walk to the park. A new extension to the Westside trail was recently added along with a boardwalk across a local stream. I've yet to check out this new part of the Path... perhaps this week I'll be able to take the dogs for a walk...

1 comment:

Patrick said...

And now the Atlanta Falcons are looking at putting a stadium on that quarry site. So if you still want a park, you might want to speak up. Otherwise it might end up being a dome stadium.
