Just bought a new Flip UltraHD at Costco and I'm already having issues. The FlipShare software wanted to update the camera, but I received repeated errors:
Error code: 27, 2
An error occurred while interacting with your camcorder. Please make sure your camcorder is connected to your computer.
Error removing file '/Volumes/FLIPVIDEO/System/VIEWER/mem_size.txt'.
Thread info: Upgrade camcorder software : {7e00ce54-bccf-41cc-a2ed-2f0342e16b38}
Bah! Google to the rescue! I found that the problem was due to locked files on the device and that you could reset the flags on the files, enabling the software update to work. So I ran the following from the terminal:
find /Volumes/FLIPVIDEO -flags +uchg -print0 | xargs -0 chflags nouchg
I then restarted FlipShare and the software installed just fine. Thanks to TDD for the tip!
Saturday, September 05, 2009
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You haven't perchance installed and run FlipShare on Ubuntu?
Nope, I just use ubuntu for a server, not a desktop box.
You happen to know how to reset the flag to lock it again after the update? I'm assuming it was done for security reasons to begin with... this was a pain in the neck to figure out by the way, but thanks for the posting.
No need to reset it.
I just used my new Ultra HD this weekend. Everything seemed to be great. Was able to transfer files to laptop and charge the included battery. Then suddenly the next time I tried to transfer photos and recharge battery it didn't recognize the unit. Rebooted several times. No go. Removed Ultra HD battery and left it out for 30 minutes and tried again. No go. Then tried it on another laptop and same thing. Problem is related to the Ultra HD.
Dan S.
Maybe im an idiot, but how are you running that script???
Louis, if you're not familiar with the terminal in MacOS, I'd recommend you not try this at home.
Now it makes sense, im not running a mac lol. Maybe someone will find a cure for xp soon. thanks though
i had a problem also until reading this thread......only i was getting error code 28, 2 but said the exact same thing "'/Volumes/FLIPVIDEO/System/VIEWER/mem_size.tx". all i did was copy the script posted above "find /Volumes/FLIPVIDEO -flags +uchg -print0 | xargs -0 chflags nouchg" and paste in a new command in terminal and clicked the box to make it run inside a shell, reopened flipshare and the message didnt appear and saw a status bar down in the left corner of flipshare filling up letting me know it was working to fix/update whatever it needed to do. make sure the script runs in a shell tho cuz i tried once without the box checked and the message reappeared again. thanks for solution guys!!
Thanks for the post, worked great for the 28, 2 error as well
googled flipshare 28,2 error, found this page, ran your script in terminal, beautiful, perfect, problem solved. thank you.
Awesome, thanks for posting this!
Awesome thanks!
I am a real novice at Terminal, it scares the hell out of me. Don't laugh some of you get scared talking in front of a large group and I don't. However, I simply opened terminal, copied and pasted the mentioned verbiage and it worked. Thanks so much.
Thank you very much. I have been getting this error for a while and couldn't figure out what to do. Now it's gone!
I too am really terrified of Terminal (I probably shouldn't be) but I pasted the said script and it worked fabulously. The only thing I'd point out to novice Terminal users like myself is that it doesn't seem like it does anything when you paste the script, but it fixes the problem. Don't expect to see a notification or anything. And don't forget to login.
Thanks for your help on this one people.
Thanks! The infernal update - can't update routine was killing me. This seems to have fixed this!
Thanks - fixed my problem as well!
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